Join the PSG

How to Join

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Why Join Us?

PSG 9 Extatosoma tiaratum adult pair mating Copyright © Mieke Duytschaever
PSG 9 Adult Pair Mating - Copyright © Mieke Duytschaever

As a member, you'll be invited to our twice-yearly meetings held at the Natural History Museum in London, receive a fantastic Newsletter with articles about stick insects, leaf insects and other creepy crawlies, including breeding information, care sheets and photographs, plus have online access to our more formal publication, Phasmid Studies, and get to meet with other enthusiasts and our super-knowledgeable panel of experts to discuss culturing techniques, environmental conditions and best food plants for various species. As a member, you'll also have access to a whole host of species that are not commercially available - however, we operate a strict "no selling" policy on all PSG stock and anyone found violating this policy will be instantly banned. You will be invited to sign up to our 'wants & exchanges' mailing list, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. once joined.

Our website also provides the only fully authoritative version of the Phasmid Study Group Culture List (sometimes called the PSG Species List).

We're on Facebook too - join the fun and "like" our page!

Membership Prices

We have kept the membership fees at just £12 (UK); £14 (Europe) and £15 (overseas) for yet another year as we aim to deliver you the best value possible.  Come on, join us..!