
People from all over the world visit each day, which went online in 2001. The website started as a project funded by the phasmid experts, Oskar Conle and Frank Hennemann, with the clear aim to provide an extensive source of information, photos and possibility for the identification of species of this fascinating insect order, not only for scientists but also for breeders and anyone interested in these insects. Now we’re the world’s leading website about phasmids, having the largest photographic gallery and the most comprehensive content about this insect order.

Meanwhile, is managed by the only scientific institution in the world dedicated exclusively to the research in Phasmatodea, with more than 100 publications in different scientific journals and books. The leader team, composed of Oskar Conle (Germany), Frank Hennemann (Germany), Bruno Kneubühler (Switzerland) and Pablo Valero (Spain/Germany), is currently managing the different scientific projects with the collaboration of several research teams from museums, universities, institutions, etc. from Europe, America and Asia.

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