Contact Us
There are various ways to get in touch with the PSG, depending on your requirement:
Learn more about the PSG - or join us!
Visit our About Us Page to learn more about the PSG - or click here to Join Us!
Seen a phasmid in the UK? Tell us!
Please use this form to report sightings of phasmids (stick insects and leaf insects) in the UK to the collator of all records of the UK's naturalised stick-insects. The more information you can supply, the more helpful this will be - thank you!
Ask a Question about Phasmids
Please check that your question has not already been answered in the FAQs section first. Use this form to ask a question about phasmids. We will try and answer your question as soon as we can, although it may take a while!
Volunteer to help expand our new Website
If you have spare time and would like to help us add documents and images to our new website, we would love to hear from you! All you need is some free time and the ability to use a computer - the rest our webmaster can teach you! Don't worry, it won't be difficult and we would be ever so grateful for the help.
Submit content for the PSG Newsletter
Some guidance on how to write articles for the PSG Newsletter and also how to submit them.
Submit content for this Website
Use this form to submit content to the authors of the Phasmid Study Group website. These may be scientific papers, news articles, or anything else you think may be of interest. Once submitted the uploaded files will only be available to administrators of this site, who will review the content and where applicable incorporate it into the site.
As an example scientific papers uploaded as a PDF will be added into the bibliography - but the PDFs will not be made available unless the copyright is expired or we have the permission of the copyright owner.
Information uploaded will also be considered for inclusion in the Phasmida Species File.
Contact PSG Membership Secretary
Details of our membership can be found on our Join the PSG page, but you can email the Membership Secretary if you have any further questions about the PSG or becoming a PSG member.
Contact PSG Livestock Co-ordinators (Members-only)
Access to members only (you'll need to be logged in). Contact our fantastic livestock co-ordinators to ask for any species you are seeking or offer any surplus stick you may have.
Request a Username and Password
Logon details are only available to PSG members - not a member? Join here!
If you're already a member...
PSG members should have received an email with website login info between 13th and 15th December 2015. If you did not receive this email, please check your spam/junk email folder. If you still can't find the email, please contact the PSG webmaster.
Something Broken/Missing on the Website?
Please use this form to report problems with the website, such as broken links, missing content, or other issues.