Parasites of Phasmids
Perhaps the most interesting of phasmid parasites are not always classified as parasites! The parasitoid (parasitoids are like parasites but invariably kill their host) wasps of the families Loboscelidiinae and Amiseginae (Chrysididae) use phasmid eggs as their hosts. These two chrysidid subfamilies are under-collected and under-studied. For more information please see the Hymenoptera Parasitoids of Phasmids (HyPhas) website.
There are several records of parasites of adult phasmids. These records are for four main types of parasites: mites, flies, roundworms, and parasitic wasps (including a a doubtful record for an ichneumon).
Information on parasites of phasmids can be found in the following publications:
- Bragg, P.E. (1993) Parasites of Phasmida, Entomologist, 112(1): 37-42.
- Brasse, C. (1995) Attention aux parasites, Le Monde des Phasmes, 30:14.
- Delfosse, E. (1996) Attention aux parasites qui parasitent les idées ou à ceux qui ont parasité un phasme. Le Monde des Phasmes, 33:7.
- Harman, A. (1987) Some parasites of phasmids - "Stick ticks", biting midges of the family Ceratopogonidae (Diptera). PSG Newsletter, 33:9.
- Lelong, P. (1989) Thrixion halidayanum (Rond.) parasite de Leptynia hispanica (Bol.), Le Monde des Phasmes, 5: 19-22.
- Polidori, E. (1996) Les parasites: phasmantagorie ou réalité?! Le Monde des Phasmes, 34:26 -27
- Roubaud, P.E. [Editor] (1993) Une mouche parasite de la famille des Ceratopogonidae, Le Monde des Phasmes, Special issue: 41-42.