We encourage both members and non-members to contribution to the PSG Newsletter. All types of article are welcome! For example, species reports or observations, reviews on shows and meetings, drawings, photos, phasmid questions, solutions to common phasmid problems, crosswords, quizzes, puzzles, useful websites, ideas or comments on the Newsletters or the PSG, etc.
Don't worry if your spelling isn't perfect or if you have no pictures, we can help! And don't worry that your article isn't scientific - it doesn't have to be (although scientific ones are welcome too!). Just send in whatever you like, this is YOUR Newsletter. We'll include everything you send in - and we can correct any spellings and add pictures if needed.
Closing date for contributions is the 22nd of the month proceeding publication (but contributions received before then are particularly well-appreciated). For any help writing your articles, see our PSG Newsletter: Writing Articles page.
Go on...send something in!