Species Foodplants Cage Requirements Misting Reproduction Ova Ova Incubation Period Ova Success Rate Months to Maturity Lifespan Notes Difficulty Rating* Any Warnings* Disclaimer:

PSG 215 Phaenopharos khaoyaiensis

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This species will usually eat: Bramble, Hawthorn, Hypericum, Raspberry
  • Cage should be at least 39 cm tall
  • Room temperature
Spray cage lightly every day with fine mist of water - just enough for the insects to have a drink and this also helps to keep the humidity up. We believe males exist in the wild in this species and reproduction would usually be sexual but, in captivity, only females are present and captive reproduction is via parthenogenesis, a process by which the females lay viable eggs (ova) without the need for fertilisation. This species will drop their ova (eggs) on the floor, so its best to provide paper at the bottom of the cage to help collect the ova for removal for incubation or population control. 4-6 months Very high 5-6 months Ova can be kept at room temperature. Place on paper towel with dry forest moss over top. Be mindful of mould growth and replace paper towel regularly. Nymphs can easily become trapped and die where there is too much condensation. Very easy

* Please note the warnings and difficulty rating are intended as an indicator only. The warnings are not an exhaustive list and other potentially dangerous behaviour may be exhibited by phasmids that is not listed here. Phasmids are wild creatures and should be treated with respect and handled with caution. Adults should always supervise children when handling phasmids.